Workout Recovery Nutrition: How to Properly Fuel Your Body After a Workout

Are you tired of feeling sore and worn out after your workouts? Are you looking for a way to speed up your recovery time?  Do you want a nutritionist Calgary to help you with post and pre-workout fueling? If so, read on!  We will discuss the importance of fueling your body properly after a workout.

These tips will help your body recover faster and be energized for your next workout session. We’ll also help you get a one-to-one session with a Nutritionist Calgary, so you’ll receive the customized meal plan before your next workout!

The Nutrients You Need Before And After A Workout

You might wonder what nutrients you should include in your post-workout meal or snack. Micronutrients maybe? Nope, we’re talking macronutrients!

How do Macronutrients help In Workout Recovery?

Let us understand the working of macronutrients first. Macronutrients are the nutrients that are required by our body in larger quantities as they perform various vital functions. Your body needs three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

  • Carbohydrates help replenish the glycogen stores that are used up during the workout. Proteins help in repairing and rebuilding muscle tissues.
  • Fats help to reduce the inflammation caused by strenuous exercise.

Now that we know what role each macronutrient plays let us look at the best sources of each one of them.

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The Best Sources Of Carbohydrates

The best sources of carbohydrates are whole-grain bread, rice, pasta, cereal, fruits, and vegetables. These foods are high in complex carbohydrates that take longer to digest and provide a slow and steady release of energy.

The Best Sources Of Protein

The best protein sources are lean meats, poultry, fish, tofu, eggs, beans, legumes, and low-fat dairy products. These foods are high in quality protein that helps to repair and rebuild muscle tissue.

The Best Sources Of Fat

The best sources of fat are nuts, seeds, and oils. These foods are high in healthy fats that help to reduce inflammation.

Pre-Workout Nutrition: When Should I Eat Before A Workout?

Pre-workout nutrition is also very important. One might think it’s the same as filling a car with some fuel to burn for a long drive. Taking a balanced amount of recommended meals before a workout is really good. It would help if you ate a meal or snack 2-4 hours before you exercised. Every person is different, and what time works best for them varies. Some people require a full four hours to digest food so they don’t get any cramps or GI problems during an activity, while others may need to eat much closer to the event. Experiment until you discover the optimum time for you to eat. You can also consult with your experts to know the pre-workout nutrition.


Best Foods To Eat Before A Workout

You might be thinking about what to take before the workout session. It’s very simple, CARBOHYDRATES! Your body’s number one preferred source of energy is carbs. Carbs are broken down into glucose and stored in your muscles as glycogen. Your body taps into those glycogen stores for energy when you work out. That’s why it’s so important to eat carbs before a workout, to give your Like a car’s gas tank, your body requires carbohydrates to function. You will not have a fantastic workout if you go into exercise with an empty gasoline tank, so fill up the tank before you begin. Examples of great things to have pre-workout:

  • Toast With Peanut Butter
  • A Piece Of Fruit
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Chocolate Milk Or A Half Bagel With Cream Cheese

Be mindful of the amount of fat and fiber in your pre-workout meal since these ingredients can slow digestion and induce gastrointestinal upset. So, If you’re going to eat a muffin, avoid bran, or you might get unexpected bathroom visits. You also need to drink water! In addition to carbohydrates, hydrating your body is essential. It moisturizes and lubricates your muscles so that they can expand more freely.

Post-Workout Nutrition: Importance Of Eating After a Workout

Recovery nutrition begins hours before your workout is finished and continues long after. Eating a nutritious meal or snack post-workout is just as important. It can help your body recover, repair muscle tissue, and replenish glycogen stores. You might be thinking, “I just worked out; I don’t want to eat anything!” But trust me, you do. Eating after a workout is essential for recovery. The sooner you can eat after your workout, the better. Your body is in a state of repair and needs nutrients to refuel and rebuild. The best post-workout foods are high in protein and carbohydrates. This combination helps to replenish glycogen stores, build and repair muscle tissue, and reduce inflammation. Now that you know the importance of workout recovery nutrition, make sure to fuel your body properly before and after your next workout! Your body will thank you for it!

When To Fuel Your Body After a Hectic Workout?

The ideal time to eat a post-workout meal or snack is within 30 minutes of finishing your workout. This is because your body is in a state of repair and needs nutrients to refuel and rebuild. If you wait too long to eat, your body will start to break down muscle tissue for energy.

Dietitian Calgary

What Foods Can I Eat After Workout?

What should I eat after a workout? As we just said, the optimal time to eat is 30 minutes post-workout to maximize the recovery benefits of nutrition. What you want to eat in that timeframe is carbohydrates & protein. Why? Carbohydrates help replenish glycogen stores, and protein aids muscle repair and muscle protein synthesis. Here are some great post-workout snacks:

  • Chocolate milk (contains carbohydrates, protein, water, and electrolytes)
  • Smoothie with greek yogurt and fruit (with optionally added whey protein)
  • Greek yogurt or apple with peanut butter.
  • power bars
  • homemade granola protein bars
  • fruit with trail mix

Last but not least, you need to REHYDRATE! It’s critical to replenish the water you lost during your workout. Women require about 2L of water each day, and males 3L. If you’re active, drink even more water.

Tips To Follow For a Speedy Recovery After a Workout

You must remember certain things to ensure a speedy recovery after a workout.

  1. Eat a small meal or snack within 30 minutes of your workout.
  2. Include carbohydrates and protein in your post-workout meal or snack.
  3. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  4. Get enough sleep every night to allow your body to recover properly.
  5. Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks after your workout.

By following these tips, you can be sure that you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to recover properly from your workouts.

Nutritionist Calgary: Eatuitive Nutrition Help You Choose Wisely!

At Eatuitive, we work with you to help you make the best food choices for your body and your lifestyle. We offer one-on-one nutrition counseling; We also have a Registered Dietitian on staff who can provide expert advice on all things nutrition. Contact us today to book an appointment!

FAQs on How Nutritionist Calgary Helps in Re-fueling After Post-workout!

What Should I Eat To Refuel After A Workout?

Good post-workout snack options include chocolate milk, a smoothie with greek yogurt and fruit, greek yogurt or apple with peanut butter, power bars, homemade granola protein bars, fruit with trail mix, and rehydrating with plenty of water.

How Soon After You Workout Should You Fuel?

The ideal time to eat a post-workout meal or snack is within 30 minutes of finishing your workout.

How Much Protein Should I Eat After A Workout?

You should consume 0.14-0.23 grams of protein per pound of body weight after a workout. So, if you weigh 140 pounds, you would need 19-32 grams of protein after your workout.

How Do You Fuel Before And After A Workout?

Eating a small meal or snack before and after your workout is important. Before your workout, you should fuel with carbohydrates for energy. After your workout, you should refuel with carbohydrates and protein to help with muscle repair and recovery.

What Happens If You Don’t Eat After A Workout?

If you don’t eat after a workout, your body will start breaking down muscle tissue for energy. This can lead to muscle loss and decreased performance.

Final Verdict: How Nutritionist Calgary Helps in Re-fueling After Post-workout!

If you don’t eat after a workout, your body will start to break down muscle tissue for energy. This can lead to muscle loss and decreased performance. Eating a small meal or snack before and after your workout is important to give your body the nutrients it needs for recovery. These nutrients include carbohydrates for energy and protein for repairing muscles. By following these tips, you can be sure that you are giving your body the best opportunity to recover properly from your workouts.

If you need help, nutritionist Calgary at eatuitive nutrition will help you with that! Book your first session today!